Board Photo (2)

Luciana Villanueva


With a career spanning diverse industries and coasts, Luciana has cultivated a passion for fostering connections and embracing new challenges. Her journey has led her from startups to Fortune 500 companies, always driven by a love for exploration and shared growth. After two decades in the corporate world and a meaningful chapter of caregiving, she found herself drawn to the vibrant and collaborative world of artisanal cheese.  Her cheese odyssey began at Market Hall Foods, where she honed her skills as a cheese monger. Now, as the monger/director at Gus’s Community Market, overseeing five locations in San Francisco, she continues to nurture her passion for exceptional cheese and community building. Having served on the Guild’s Board from 2018 to 2022 and contributed to the Executive Council, she has developed a deep appreciation for our cheese community. Her commitment to supporting its growth remains unwavering, and she is eager to bring her experience and enthusiasm back to the board.